Die ultimative KI-gestützte Datenverarbeitungslösung

Geschäftsprozesse mit Präzision und Leichtigkeit verbessern

Hohe Datenqualität vom ersten Tag an

Erziele eine beispiellose Genauigkeit bei der Datenerfassung vom ersten Scan an und sorge so für eine minimale Fehlerquote und maximale Effizienz.

Auf künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) basierendes Scannen

Nutze fortschrittliche KI-Technologien, um die Extraktion und Kategorisierung von Daten aus Rechnungen und Quittungen zu automatisieren und den manuellen Aufwand erheblich zu reduzieren.

Schnelle Implementierung

Profitiere von einem System, das seine Funktionen täglich aktualisiert und sicherstellt, dass du immer mit den neuesten Entwicklungen in der Datenerfassungstechnologie arbeitest.

Paperflow is an advanced AI-powered software engine designed to capture and process data from various financial documents, such as invoices, credit notes, and receipts. The engine can integrate this data into your existing ERP system or workflow, ensuring high accuracy and efficiency in data management. Utilizing sophisticated OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology and AI models, Paperflow extracts, labels, and validates data, providing businesses with reliable and automated data entry solutions. This enables businesses to streamline their document processing tasks, reduce manual labor, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Paperflow uses advanced OCR technology combined with AI models to label and categorize data accurately. Additionally, we offer optional manual validation for even higher accuracy.

Our AI data capture typically completes within under a minute. For documents requiring validation, the process usually takes 24 hours and delivers 99% accuracy.

The Paperflow Engine is simple unlike other players on the market. You are not required to create templates on your creditors document formats before using the solution. Paperflow takes care of that part for you. You simply send your document to Paperflow via email, mobile or directly from the system you work with. Paperflow benefit from a vast and regularly updated data source, guaranteeing the freshness and accuracy of its datasets. Its internal data farming system further enhances data quality, distinguishing Paperflow by delivering reliable and comprehensive information. Furthermore, Paperflow’s utilization of multiple algorithmic approaches concurrently enhances its flexibility and effectiveness in addressing diverse data challenges. 

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